Never feel bad for putting yourself first and doing what is right for you.
Sometimes you just have to take a day to shut the world out so you can open up to yourself and deal with your thoughts. To disconnect and enjoy your own company. And you don’t need to feel guilty or apologize or try to justify needing space. You just do what you need to do […]
People who still enjoy just going on walks and talking for hours are my favorite.
“Too busy” is a myth. People make time for the things that are really important to them. Mandy Hale
Never force anything. Give it your best shot, and then let it be. If it’s meant to be, it will be.
Smalls minds can’t comprehend big spirits. To be great you have to be willing to be mocked, hated, and misunderstood. Stay strong!
I admire people who choose to smile after all the things they have been through.
Stay away from people who try to battle your ambitions. Small people always do that. But the really great make you feel that you too can become great.
Strong women don’t play victim, don’t make themselves look pitiful and don’t point fingers. They stand and they deal.
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