I don’t think that people understand that you can forgive a person and not allow them back into your life. That is possible, very possible.
Quote: If you lost
a friend because
you were honest,
he or
If you lost a friend because you were honest, he or she wasn’t a good friend.
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1 Min
Quote: Selenophile (n.)
a person who
loves the moon.
Selenophile (n.) a person who loves the moon.
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1 Min
Quote: Sometimes you need to cut off the world and focus on your goals.
Sometimes you need to cut off the world and focus on your goals.
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1 Min
Quote: Losing someone
who doesn’t
respect or
Losing someone who doesn’t respect or appreciate you is actually a gain, not a loss.
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1 Min
Quote: Take a walk,
not a pill.
The side effects
are much
Take a walk, not a pill. The side effects are much better.
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1 Min
Quote: Sometimes you don’t get closure, you just move on.
Sometimes you don’t get closure, you just move on.
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1 Min
Quote: If you
are going to be
weird, be confident
about it
If you are going to be weird, be confident about it.
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1 Min
Quote: Don’t be
afraid to become
the person you
Don’t be afraid to become the person you want to be just be cause people are watching. -Shawn Dougherty
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1 Min
Quote: There’s a story behind every person. There’s a reason why
There’s a story behind every person. There’s a reason why they’re the way they are. Think about that before you judge someone.
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1 Min
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