God is the arm that will hold you at your weakest. The eye that will see you at your darkest and the heart that will love you at your worst.
Think good thoughts, say kind things, and do good to others, because it comes back to you in ways you can’t predict.
Never allow loneliness to drive you into the arms of someone you know you don’t belong with.
People change for two main reasons: 1: Their minds have been opened. 2: Or their hearts have been broken.
Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, values, morals or self-worth.
If I am wrong, educate me. Don’t belittle me.
They are not your friends until they have you defended in you absence.
Don’t do something permanently stupid when you’re only temporarily upset.
The things I find most beautiful about a person are almost never physical.
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