All the strength you need is within you. Believe in yourself… just a little more. You are a strong person!
I’m not therapist, but I promise you this: I will listen. I will care.
“Reality is inside your mind. Fate is inside your heart, Destiny is inside your soul.”
Never be afraid to say what you really feel.
A true friend knows that crackle in your voice when everything isn’t okay. Author Holly Ruttenbur Dickinson
If you can’t trick your mind into believing that there is no more time left, then you will never work at your full potential. Just look carefully; every day is no different than yesterday for most of you. Yesterday you were born, today you are doing FB, and tomorrow you will die.
People usually change for two reasons. It’s either they have learned a lot, or they have been hurt a lot.
Never leave home without a kiss, a hug and an I love you.
Thank you. To all the special people in my life who have been there for me. Big hug.
People think you are crazy if you talk about things they don’t understand.
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