Pay attention to how people talk about other people to you in private. Because that’s exactly how they talk about you to others.
Quote: Intelligence
is the ability
to adapt
Intelligence is the ability to adapt change.
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1 Min
Quote: If your man or woman asked you to block someone for the sake of their
If your man or woman asked you to block someone for the sake of their relationship. what would you do?
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1 Min
Quote: Sometimes God will push you to your limits because he has more faith
Sometimes God will push you to your limits because he has more faith in you than you have in yourself.
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1 Min
Quote: If they want you in their life, they will put you there, You shouldn
If they want you in their life, they will put you there, You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot.
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1 Min
Quote: My life isn’t perfect, but I am thankful for everything I have
My life isn’t perfect, but I am thankful for everything I have.
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1 Min
Quote: I’ve never
met a strong
person who had
an easy
I’ve never met a strong person who had an easy life. Brigitte Nicole
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1 Min
Quote: Relationships
are built on trust
and loyalty.
Relationships are built on trust and loyalty. Without that, you have nothing.
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1 Min
Quote: Don’t lose
yourself trying
to be everything
Don’t lose yourself trying to be everything to everyone.
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1 Min
Quote: May your New Year be filled with relaxation, lots of laughter, good
May your New Year be filled with relaxation, lots of laughter, good friends, and unexpected miracles!
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1 Min
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