Note to self: None of us is getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an afterthought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump into the ocean. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart like a hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There’s no time for […]
The strongest people make time to help others, even if they are struggling with their own personal demons.
l am a strong woman. Everything that’s hit me in life I’ve dealt with my own. I’ve cried myself to sleep. Picked myself back up and wiped my own tears. I have grown from things meant to break me. I get stronger by the day and I have God to thank for that.
Whatever God has called you to do, He will give you the power to accomplish it.
The relationship between mother and daughter is like no other. No matter what the struggles, it’s a soul connection that carries you through a lifetime of smiles and tears.
Relationships these days are harder because conversations become texting, arguments become phone calls, and feelings become status updates.
I hope you find someone who smiles at you every time you walk in the door. Who finds beauty in your scars. I hope you find someone who never leaves you guessing. Someone who lets you know for certain how they always feel about you. I hope you find someone who never hesitates to love […]
What people think about you is not important. What you think about yourself means everything.
There is no enemy outside our soul. The real enemies live inside us. Anger, pride, greed, and hate. Avoid them and enjoy a peaceful life.
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