Discussions are always better than arguments, because an argument is to find out who is right and a discussion is to find out what is right.
Knowledge is knowing what to say, wisdom is knowing whether or not to say it.
When God has selected you, it doesn’t matter who else has rejected or neglected you. God’s favor outweighs all opposition. You are Winner.
Our prayers have no expiration date. You never know when, Where, or how God will answer. Amen.
Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything.
Thanks to those who hurt me you made me a stronger person. Thanks to those who loved me, you made my heart bigger. Thanks to those who cared, you made me feel important. Thanks to those who showed concern, you let me know that you care. Thanks to those who left, you showed me that […]
It’s better to have your nose in a book, than in someone else’s business.
Your naked body should only belong to those who fall in love with your naked soul.
Be aware of the quiet ones, they are the ones who actually think.
Dear God, thank you for your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Thank you for refreshing and renewing my heart. Fill me with Your peace, fill me with Your strength, Help me to do good and stand firm until I see my harvest of blessing. Amen
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