Be grateful you have a safe, secure place to sleep tonight. Some people don’t have that luxury. -Kristen Butler
A woman can always tell if a man loves her by how much time he’s willing to invest. Money spent is meaningless, but time spent is priceless.
The only way to win with a toxic person is not to play.
I asked God, “Why you’re taking me through troubled water?” He replied, because your enemies can’t swim.” Amen.
Tag that friend who is far away from you but is still your best friend.
Dear God, from the bottom of my heart, I want to thank You for loving me, forgiving me and never leaving me. Amen.
Always be Thankful for what you have, many people have nothing.
Sometimes you need to let it all go, take a deep breath, focus on what’s important, and have faith that everything will work out for the best.
My children are my greatest love. Things may fall apart around us, but I find the strength to carry on because l am not just living for me. They give my life a whole new meaning, and I am so grateful.
Don’t talk, just act. Don’t say, just show. Don’t promise, ust prove.
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