Never depend on a single income. Make investments to create a second source.
Trust your intuition. You don’t need to explain or justify your feelings to anyone, just trust your own inner guidance, it knows best.
Love is a meeting of two souls, fully accepting the dark and light within each other.
Wrinkles mean vou laughed grey hair means you cared, and Scars mean you lived.
No matter how badly someone treats you, never drop down to their level. Remain calm, stay strong, and walk away.
Trust in God We can only a see little bit down the road, but God can see around every curve. Amen.
Never discourage anyone…who continually makes progress, no matter how slow.
You deserve the kind of love you would give someone.
One of the hardest things a mother faces is seeing her child in pain. At those times, she gives her children the confidence that they have what it takes to pull through.
Be happy. You never know how much time you have left.
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