Appreciate what you have right now because you don’t always get a second chance.
You deserve the best, Are you ready for more good things in your life?
Never ignore the effort of a person who tries to keep in touch. It’s not all the time someone cares.
Your best teacher is your last mistake.
Always leave people better than you found them. Hug the hurt. Kiss the broken. Befriend the lost. Love the lonely.
God and a good wife are the two best things a man can have.
Due to increased brain activity, people with higher intelligence tend to have a harder time falling asleep at night.
When people are rude to you, they reveal who they are. Don’t take it personally.
I am not the same soul I once was. A lot has changed. A lot had to change. So you shouldn’t expect out of me what I embodied in the past. For that part of no longer exists.
Never force someone to make a space in their life for you, because if they know your worth, they will surely create one for you.
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