Even though there are days I wish I could change some things that happened in the past, there’s a reason the rearview mirror is so small and the windshield is so big; where you are headed is much more important than what you’ve left behind.
It’s never too late to finally start living the life that you really want.
If you want a positive life, spend life with positive people.
No one is coming to save you. This life of yours is 100% your responsibility.
Relationships these days are harder because conversations become texting, arguments become phone calls, and feelings become status updates.
Gossip dies when it hits a wise person’s ears.
I hold in a lot. When I’m in pain, I don’t like to worry other people. No matter how hard I cry or how much somebody asks, my answer will be, “I’m fine.” Even if it’s not true.
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.
A lot of problems in the world would disappear if we talked to each other instead of about each other.
Softness is not weakness. It takes courage to stay delicate in a world this cruel. Beau Talpin
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