Smile more than you cry, give more than you take, and love more than you hate.
When you attention, really pay everything is your teacher.
Souls recognize each other by vibes, not by appearances.
As we get older, we don’t lose friends. We just find out who the real ones are.
Isn’t it scary knowing that any time could be the last time you talk to someone? Keep that in mind.
In life friendships change, divorces happen, people move on, others die. Money and jobs come and go. Live long enough to and your health and body will change. It goes with the territory of being human. The fact that you are still here gives you an advantage. Don’t look back. Look straight ahead! Decide to […]
“Crocodiles are easy they try to kill and eat you. People are harder. Sometimes they pretend to be your friend first.” -Steve Irwin
You are who you hang out with. Be selective with your circle.
It’s better to walk away than to tolerate nonsense. Type “Yes” if you agree.
Wanna thank God for every day of my life knowing I’m still breathing and alive… Because every morning we wake up is a blessing.
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