God’s best is being prepared for you right now. Amen.
Every next level of your life will demand a new version of you. The process of becoming is sometimes messy and often painful. But take heart, you have simply outgrown your present circumstances and are evolving into more authentic version of who you really are. Rebecca Baldwin
Watch people’s actions and you won’t be fooled by their words.
Don’t trust their words, trust their actions, because actions will prove why words are meaningless.
Don’t worry about the people who hurt or hate you. Worry about the people who love you, because that’s where your happiness is.
Signs of maturity: 1. Small talk no longer excites you. 2. Sleep is better than a Friday night out. 3. You forgive more. 4. You become more open-minded. 5. You respect differences. 6. You don’t force love. 7, You accept heartaches. 8. You don’t judge easily. 9. You sometimes prefer to be silent than to […]
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here we should dance.
If your religion requires you to hate someone, you need a new religion.
Time is like a river. You can’t touch the same water twice, because the flow that has been passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of your life.
May you receive what you’ve been praying for.
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