Before you complain about the taste of your food, think of someone who has nothing to eat.
One day you’ll wake up and there won’t be any more time to do the things you’ve always wanted. Do it now. Paulo Coelho
Be someone’s moon on a dark hopeless night.
Never allow someone to be your priority while you’re just their option.
Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remain as one.
Everything is temporary; emotions, thoughts, people, and scenery. Do not become attached, just flow with it.
Be strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be bold, but don’t bully. Be humble, but not shy. Be confident, but not arrogant.
There is nothing more classy or powerful than showing forgiveness and grace to someone who does not deserve it.
It’s not the size or your house that makes a home. It’s the size of your heart. Jane Lee Logan
I think one of the reasons why people tend to fake an entire relationship is maybe they are just afraid of being alone or are lonely right now! Saif Ullah
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