It’s okay if you fall down and lose your spark. Just make sure that when you get back up, you rise as the whole damn fire. – Colette Werden
Don’t underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize. Type “Yes” if you agree.
They laugh at me because I’m different; I laugh at them because they’re all the same.
Husband vs Wife Husband: “Scientists have found that men say about 10,000 words a day, while women say about 20,000…” Wife (shouts from the kitchen): It’s because we have to repeat everything twice to you blockheads!” Husband: “What?”
Post the time when you see this post.
After so many people walk in and out of the door, you learn to lock it.
Seek respect, not attention. It lasts longer.
If travelling was free, you would never see me again.
There is no greater wealth in this world than peace of mind.
Sometimes people don’t need advice. All they want is someone to listen and a heart to understand them.
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