There’s no need to rush If something is meant to be, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person, for the best reason.
Quote: The mind
replays what the
heart can’t
The mind replays what the heart can’t delete.
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1 Min
Quote: Why wake up stressing?
When waking up is a
Why wake up stressing? When waking up is a blessing.
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1 Min
Quote: The grasss
isn’t greener
on the
other side
The grasss isn’t greener on the other side It’s greener where YOU water it.
Read Time:
1 Min
Quote: Be proud of
ourself for
how far vou’ve
Be proud of ourself for how far vou’ve come and never stop pushing to be the best you can be.
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1 Min
Quote: I am not being quiet because I have nothing to say. I am quiet
I am not being quiet because I have nothing to say. I am quiet because you’re not ready to hear what I need to say.
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1 Min
Quote: The greatest gift you can give someone is the space to be his or
The greatest gift you can give someone is the space to be his or herself, without the threat of you leaving.
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1 Min
Quote: They are
not vour friends
until they have
They are not vour friends until they have defended you in our absence
Read Time:
1 Min
Quote: Time and
good friends
are two things
that become
Time and good friends are two things that become more valuable the older you get.
Read Time:
1 Min
Quote: Success comes from what you do when no one is watching.
Success comes from what you do when no one is watching.
Read Time:
1 Min
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