Happiness is a state of mind.
If something is meant to be, it will happen. In the right time, with the right person, and for the best reason.
If you see something beautiful in someone speak it. Ruthie Lindsev
Sometimes it’s easy to forgive the mistakes of others. But it’s hard to rebuild the trust that has been destroyed.
Become friends with people who aren’t your age. Hang out with people whose first language isn’t the same as yours. Get to know who doesn’t come from your special class. This is how you see. the world. This is how you grow.
A beautiful feeling is when someone tells you “I wish I knew you earlier.”
I literally love being at home. In my own space. Comfortable. Not surrounded by people.
You stabbed me a thousand times, and then you acted like you were the one that was bleeding.
Standing alone is better than standing with people who don’t value you.
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