When vou can’t control what’s nappening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what’s happening. That’s where your power is.
Sometimes sand, water, sunshine and a good company are all you really need.
Honesty has a power than very few people can handle.
I’ve come to realize that the only people I want in my life are the ones who want me in theirs even when I have nothing else to offer them but myself.
God will get you through this. There is nothing that He can’t handle. Ask Him for the strength to hold on. Amen.
When you wake up and realize how blessed you are.
Respect someone who finds time for you in their busy schedule. Love someone who never looks at their schedule when you need them.
There is not enough room in your mind for both worry and faith. Choose wisely.
Change does not have to be hard and healing does not have to hurt. Surely by now you know that everything happens for a reason! There is something better awaiting on the other side of this.
You don’t always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe. Trust. Let go. And see what happens.
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