In order to love who you are, you can’t hate the experiences that shaped you.
If you want to fly, you have to give up the shit that weights you down. Type “Yes” if you agree.
If someone isn’t available during your most crucial time, then their presence any other time is useless.
Happy is the one who learns to wait as he prays and never loses his patience, for God’s time is the best time.
When life shuts a door, you can still open it again. Remember, it’s a door. That’s how it works.
Dear best friend, thank you for standing by my side when time get hard, thank you for making me laugh when I didn’t even want to smile.
Today’s a new day. Smile, let go, don’t waste your time with “small stuff”. BE HAPPY.
A meaningful silence is always better than meaningless words.
Don’t let stupid things break your happiness.
Nothing is sexier than a man who admits he wants you, and does anything and everything he can, to have you and to keep you.
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