Friendship isn’t about who you’ve known the longest.. it’s about who came and never left your side.
I still remember the days I prayed for the things I have now.
She doesn’t want to hear that she is flawless, She wants to hear that she is loved, regardless of the flaws.
Make a list of things that make you happy. Make a list of things you do every day Compare the lists. Adjust accordingly.
Life has taught me that you can’t control someone’s loyalty. No matter how good you are to them, doesn’t mean they’ll treat you the same. No matter how much they mean to you, doesn’t mean they’ll value you the same. – Trent Shelton
Grades don’t measure intelligence and age doesn’t define maturity.
A strong woman tries to help, even when she’s fighting her own personal demons.
A true friend is someone who never gets tired of listening to your pointless drama over and over again.
Buddhist’s says when you meet somebody and your heart pounds, your hands shake, your knees go weak, that’s not the one. When you meet your ‘soul mate’ you’ll feel calm. No anxiety, no agitation.
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