Choose your friends with caution. Plan your future with purpose. Frame your life with faith.
It’s amazing how 5 minutes with the wrong person feels like an eternity, yet 5 hours with the right one feels like only a moment.
Any man can treat a lady right for one night, but it takes a real man to treat her right for a lifetime.
Stay single until you meet someone who actually compliments your life in a way that makes it better. If not, it’s not worth it.
I smile because I have survived everything the world has thrown at me. I smile because when I was knocked down, I got back up.
Too many men mistakenly think that women just want jewelry and expensive gifts. What the right woman really want’s her man’s honesty, loyalty, love and companionship. -Jonathan Wells
You can either swim or drown, but it’s going to keep raining. -Jessica Katoff
Pay attention to your gut feelings. No matter how good something looks, if it does not feel right… walk away.
A wonderful opportunity will present itself today. Are you ready for it?
Humans are the only creature in this world who will cut down a tree, make paper from it, and then write, “save the trees” on it.
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