40 is the new 20, right?

Well, maybe not quite, but it’s never too late to get your life in order. If you’re looking to get ahead of the game and make sure you have everything you need by the time you hit middle age, we’ve got the ultimate list for you. From a healthy retirement fund to decent homeowners insurance, here are 40 things every person should have by age 40. Trust us, your future self will thank you. turning 30 or hitting middle age, it’s never too late to get your ducks in a row. Here’s our expert-approved list of things everyone should have by the time they turn 40. You can thank us later!

Age doesn't make you older—excuses do!
Age doesn’t make you older—excuses do!

A well-paying job that you love (or at least don’t hate)

By age 40, you should strive for a job wherein you get to do what you love – or at least don’t hate. When it comes down to it, having a well-paying job you actually enjoy is the holy grail of adulting. It may take time and effort, but the mental and emotional journey will be worth it! The reward of having the ability to make money doing something that drives you is not only satisfying, but also incredibly empowering. So set yourself up for success: find that dream job where your skills can shine and every day won’t be just another boring grind!


A 401k or other retirement savings plan

Reaching age 40 is a milestone and brings the chance to reflect on your goals and accomplishments. It might feel daunting, but one of the most important things you should have accomplished by this point is contributing to a 401k or other retirement plan. Taking the steps to secure your financial future will give you real peace of mind for decades to come. Start now–apps like Acorns help turn small investments into big savings! The earlier you begin planning for retirement, the more secure you, and your pocketbook, will be as time goes on.


A life insurance policy

Having a life insurance policy before you turn 40 is an important financial decision for adults. Not only does a life insurance policy provide financial security for your family in times of crisis, but it also comes with the assurance that you have taken measures to ensure their care even when you’re gone. Planning ahead is key, and having a life insurance policy while your health and rates are still more favorable can save you on costs and wasted time in the future. Looking into life insurance policies might seem daunting, but take some time to research the various options available; chances are you’ll find something that suits your needs perfectly!

"Life Insurance: A
“Life Insurance: A

An emergency fund of at least 3-6 months’ worth of living expenses

As the saying goes, “Life happens when you’re busy making other plans”. Having an emergency fund that provides 3-6 months of your living expenses is a must for anyone by the age of forty. This fund should stay tucked away in an easily accessible account so that if any unexpected or disastrous event like job loss, medical emergency, or large-scale disasters comes your way, you and your family will have something to fall back on until things normalize. It’s time to face adulthood head on and make sure that you have one less thing to worry about – let the emergency fund be one of them!

A budget that you stick to most of the time

When you hit 40 it’s time to put into practice all of the financial planning lessons your parents taught you growing up. Just as important as saving for big-ticket items and retirement is establishing a budget that you stick to most of the time. That sounds daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Start by tracking where your money is going in order to get a clear picture of how much debt you’re accumulating or how much savings you’ve built up. Next, decide what goes into your absolute necessities (rent/mortgage, food, etc.). After that comes evaluating which nonessential expenses are worth paying for and assigning certain percentage percentages for each category (e.g. 10 percent for personal entertainment). By keeping tabs on these metrics and creating a realistic budget in your 30s, you can finally sail through this decade with a sense of financial security.

Debt that is manageable and under control

Turn forty years old and make getting your debt under control a top priority! Being in charge of your finances is something that no one should take lightly. Age forty is the time to make sure you have created various options for controlling your debt so it doesn’t spiral out of hand. It’s up to you; there are a variety of creative tricks you can use to manage your debt and make it much more manageable. You just need to find what works best for your financial situation, then stick with it – being debt-free by age 40 is totally achievable!


Turning 40 marks a significant milestone in life, and there are certain things that everybody should have by then.

A true partner who shares your life and values can not only make you physically happier but also emotionally secure. In addition to that, it’s important to have a sense of purpose and direction which will motivate you to take steps forward.

Having control over your health, home, yourself and emotions is paramount for overall well being.

Having hobbies is essential for enjoyment. Drawing spiritual support from mentors or finding true love feelings by embracing grey hairs can add depth and purpose to the journey called life.


To feel confident, having signature cologne, wristwatch and basic cooking skills along with good skin care that includes quality sun glasses is a must.

To stay fit mentally as well as physically having gym membership with a well establish routine will accomplish wonders.

By the age of forty, there are certain things that every person should have in order to live a successful and fulfilling life. From a well-paying job to a 401k and even debt management, having these elements laid out will help reach your goals faster. Achieving this kind of milestone doesn’t come easy and requires hard work, dedication, and planning. Dedicate time each day to take one step closer towards achieving the items on this list. Furthermore, remember that if something like an emergency fund isn’t feasible at the moment – don’t stress, just start working towards building it up as soon as possible. With each passing day of effort you put in, you get closer to paving the way for your own self-reliance today!

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