Nothing will bring you greater peace than minding your own business.
One day you’ll look back and realize that you worried too much about things that don’t really matter.
If you love someone tell them because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken
Some people won’t love you no matter what you do, and some people won’t stop loving you no matter what you do. Go where the love is! Type “Yes” if you agree.
I’m at a point in my life where I just want my family happy, my health good, my mind right, my finances flowing and no drama
You won’t have time to hate people who hate you, if you’re too busy loving people who love you.
Ladies, please stop wasting your time looking for Mr. Right. Just find Mr. Left and drag the idiot to the right.
Maturity is when a person hurts you and you try to understand their situation rather than hurting them back.
You were enough maybe you were too much maybe he refers less and you deserve more -R.h.sin Type “Yes” if you agree.
Materialistic things don’t impress me; your soul does.
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