I love places that make you realize how tiny you and your problems actually are.
Would you rather find your true love or find a suitcase with $5 million? Choose wisely.
Confidence is silence. Insecurities are loud.
Forgive people in your life, even those who are not sorry for their actions. Holding on to anger only hurts you, not them.
Don’t let the other people hold the key to your peace of mind.
God did not bring you this far to abandon you.
I hope you fall in love with someone who always calls you back and never lets you fall asleep making you feel unwanted. I hope you fall in love with someone who holds your hand during the scary parts of horror movies and burns cookies with you while you’re both busy dancing around the kitchen. […]
Remember no storm lasts forever. Hold on! Be brave! Have faith! Every storm is temporary and we’re never alone.
l love the kind of hugs where you can physically feel the sadness leaving your body.
When you find someone who can make you laugh, smile, grow, lust, want, crave, feel, and make you mad but happy. Keep that. That’s euphoria.
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