I just want to thank God in advance for the blessings I am about to receive. Amen.
I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.
God has no iPhone, but I talk to Him. He has no Facebook, but He is still my friend. He doesn’t have a Twitter, but I still follow Him. Amen.
If you have time to pray, God takes time to listen.
Never cry for the person who hurts you. Just smile and say, “Thanks for giving me the chance to find someone better than you.”
You’ve survived so many hardships. What makes you think you won’t survive now? Don’t let your mind play tricks on you. You can make it again.
Faith tells me that no matter what lies ahead of me, God is already there.
Don’t forget to pray tonight. God didn’t forget to wake you up this morning.
Sometimes I like to be alone. I enjoy the freedom and soliude. In those moments, I remember who I am and I want in life.
Your peace is more important than driving yourself crazy trying to understand why something happened the way it did. Let it go.
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