Category: Beliefs

The Art Of Recognising Emotional Swings 

Sometimes, we find ourselves getting angry for no apparent reason, feeling exceptionally happy at times, experiencing bouts of motivation, and then falling into episodes of depression. These swings are a part of our daily lives, and understanding them, let alone expressing them, can be challenging—especially when it comes to explaining them to someone else. These […]

Remove Stress with Positive Thinking

Stop Over Reacting ! Positive thinking isn’t always easy. Negative thoughts can be loud and intrusive, especially when you’re under stress. But if you’re struggling to stay positive, there are some things you can do to help silence the negative voice in your head. Try these tips for keeping your thoughts positive and managing stress. […]

Level Up Your Life: Master Self Discipline and Reach Your Full Potential

The Person Who Masters Himself Through Self-control and Discipline is Truly Undefeatable. Buddha Are you looking to take control of your life, but don’t know where to start? Do you have goals that are just out of reach, and feel like something is holding you back? Don’t worry – developing self discipline is the surest […]