Sometimes, life is about risk. Everything for a dream no one can see but you.
As we get older, we become more honest and don’t have the patience for pointless drama.
Family is more than blood. It’s also friends who tell you the truth, even when it’s hard. They always have your back, even when it’s not convenient. They see behind your mask, and truly love you for who you are.
Soon, when your life is going great, you’ll look back on today and be thankful that you didn’t give up.
Maturity comes with experience, not age.
A strong woman makes time to help others. It does not matter if she’s going through a tough time; she finds a way to be there.
These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb. – Najwa Zebian
Being polite is so rare these days that saying a simple hello to a random stranger makes you look like a raving lunatic.
Worry is a total waste of time. It does not change anything. All it does is steal your joy and keep you busy doing nothing.
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