It’s amazing how 3 minutes with the wrong person feels like an eternity, yet 3 minutes with the right one feels like only a moment.
A heart that always understands, also gets tired.
You have to understand the difference between someone who speaks to you in their free time and someone who frees their time to speak to you.
Keep a low profile. People don’t need to know every little thing about you.
One smile can start a friendship. One word can end a fight. One look can save a relationship. One person can change your life.
Dear God, I need you more than ever. Please bring peace to my confusion, joy to my sadness, and hope to my heart. Amen.
You’re going to meet a lot of mean and disrespectful people in your life. Don’t let them hurt you. Don’t let their bitter and evil words break that surface of your skin. Keep your dignity, remain true to yourself, and be the better person. They need help. It’s not up to you to fix them […]
Never underestimate the power of my intuition. I recognize your game even before you play it.
How to have a good day; keep your gratitude higher than your expectations.
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