Make Your Mind feel better Instantly

Sometimes it feels better not to talk at all
Sometimes it feels better not to talk at all

There are days when your mind just feels icky. Maybe you can’t seem to shake off a bad mood, or you’re reliving a painful memory on repeat. On days like this, it can feel impossible to think straight, let alone be productive. But there are some small things you can do to instantly make your mind feel better. Here are some of them:

Get rid of negative self-talk – replace it with positive affirmations

It can be hard to replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations, especially when it feels like we’ve been stuck in an endless loop of self-doubt. But remember, you are not alone in your journey to banish negativity and develop a healthy relationship with yourself.

Start as small as possible: Choose one thing that you like about yourself and repeat it to yourself often. Whether it’s telling yourself that you’re strong or confident in your skills, find which words resonate best with you and use them to write down and create a mantra for yourself. This can help remind you of all the amazing qualities that YOU possess; qualities that no one else shares but you. All the knowledge and tools needed to tackle negative self-talk are within us – let’s start embracing them today!

Spend time in nature – take a walk, sit in the park, or go for a hike

Spending time in nature is a great way to ground yourself, boost your mood, and rejuvenate your body. Whether you take a leisurely stroll along a lake or go for an intense hike through the forest, nature can provide us with a meditative experience that re-connects us with ourselves and the earth. Taking time away from the daily hustle of city life to appreciate the beauty and simplicity of nature can be very calming. You don’t have to go too far beyond your local park or trails – even just being outside amongst trees or taking in majestic waterscapes can help reduce stress levels and improve ones sense of wellbeing.

So if you find yourself stuck at home on an extra rainy day, why not initiate an outing? Put on your favourite jacket, pull on your most comforting shoes, gather some friends or go it solo – whatever you do don’t miss out on the therapeutic effects of Nature!

There is no wifi in the forest
There is no wifi in the forest

Connect with loved ones – call a family member or friend, send a text, or write a letter

Staying connected with the people we love is a powerful source of positivity and energy. We all have that one family member or friend living far away whom we miss dearly but somehow never seem to get around to reaching out to. But what if today was that day? Taking either five minutes to write a letter, call, or send a text could be the push you need to remind yourself that you are surrounded by people who care deeply about you and will forever remain in your corner no matter the distance.

It doesn’t have to be anything grandiose—remember it’s the thought that counts. Listen carefully, offer humble encouragement, and remember how much joy comes from making meaningful connections with those important individuals in our lives. Just pick up the phone and start today!

Family is where life begins and love never ends.
Family is where life begins and love never ends.

Do something you enjoy – read your favorite book, watch a movie, bake cookies

Doing something you enjoy is a great way to take a break, and can help you recharge when life becomes hectic. Whether it’s reading your favorite book, catching up on the latest movie release, or throwing together some cookies in the kitchen, taking time out of your day to do something that gives you joy can be an incredibly beneficial experience. Just a few minutes away from regular activities allows us to relax and escape into another world, distracts us from any worries or stressors in our lives, and can also have positive psychological effects as we begin to associate those joyous moments with positive emotions.

So take time for yourself today; pick up that well-worn novel in your bookshelf, plan a movie night with your friends or family, or bake up a batch of cookies – whatever it is that brings you bliss!

Sometimes I forget myself in a book. And when I have to stop reading
Sometimes I forget myself in a book. And when I have to stop reading

Help someone else – volunteer your time, donate to a worthy cause, or simply perform random acts of kindness

Volunteering your time and offering up random acts of kindness can enrich your life immeasurably. Generously donating to a worthy cause not only helps give back to the community, but also provides a personal sense of pride and fulfillment knowing that you have made a meaningful contribution. Whether it’s spending an afternoon helping out at a local animal shelter or taking time out of your day to pick up some grocery for an elderly neighbor, the benefits of helping someone else can be immeasurable. It can foster connections with strangers and loved ones alike, and provide an opportunity to look at life from new perspectives.

It may charitably give back underprivileged or helpless members of society and help social issues in your neighborhood or abroad. So why not take the time today to volunteer your skills, donate to a charity, or simply perform small acts of kindness – you won’t regret it!

Leave footprints of kindness wherever you go.
Leave footprints of kindness wherever you go.

Practice gratitude – keep a journal and write down things you’re thankful for each day

Practicing gratitude is an important part of living a more mindful life. Research has shown that expressing gratitude can have an overwhelmingly positive effect on our mood and overall outlook. One great way to implement this practice into your daily routine is to keep a gratitude journal. Every day, take a few moments to consider all the blessings in your life and jot them down.

Writing down what we are thankful for helps us build perspective, focus on the positive, and embrace our appreciation for the everyday goodness in life. Taking the time out of our busy days to acknowledge the small things may not seem like much in the moment, but it will ultimately give us peace of mind, a better attitude and deeper fulfillment.

Thank you
Thank you

Final thought on feel better

Self-care is hard, but it’s also important. It’s essential to take care of yourself and make sure that your mental health is a priority. Taking the time to get rid of negative self-talk, spend quality time outdoors, connect with loved ones, do something you enjoy, help someone else, and practice gratitude can have profound effects on your mood and wellbeing! You don’t have to do all 6 things in one day – pick 1 or 2 activities each day and focus on those to start. Self-care looks different for everyone, so take control and make sure to give yourself the space and respect you deserve!