People usually change for two reasons. It’s either they have learned a lot, or they have been hurt a lot.
People think you are crazy if you talk about things they don’t understand.
Trust is like a glass. Once broken, it will never be the same again. Type “Yes” if you agree.
Take time to be thankful for everything that you have. You can always have more, but you could also have less.
It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.
Your relationship with God is not defined by the religion or house of Worship you embrace, but by your Faith and good deeds. Amen.
Learn how to: Have fun without alcohol. Talk without cellphones. Love without conditions. Dream without drugs. Smile without selfies.
I am so proud of my heart. It’s been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken but somehow it still works.
Pray not because you need something but because you have a lot to thank God for.
I’ve reached a point in life where it’s no longer necessary to try to impress anyone. If they like me the way I am, that’s good. If they don’t, that’s too bad.
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