Subjective well-being describes how you personally interpret the rhythms of your emotions, thoughts, and overall mental state. It’s labeled “subjective” because it hinges on your unique perceptions rather than any universal standard. Many researchers argue that subjective well-being outranks more objective markers—like wealth or possessions—in capturing genuine happiness. Below, we’ll journey through what subjective well-being […]
When you think about “wellness,” what images drift through your mind? Do you see a robust body brimming with vitality? A crystal-clear intellect spinning with creativity? Or a calm existence enriched by restful moments and shared laughter? All of these layers of wellness certainly matter. But there’s one domain that often stays tucked away in […]
Do you often feel down on yourself? If you sometimes feel inadequate or as if you’re not reaching your potential, this blog post is definitely for you. In it, we will discuss 10 simple life changes that you can make to boost your self-esteem. Implementing even a few of these changes can have a huge […]
Do you know what to do when you feel a panic attack? Many people don’t. In fact, most people just try to tough it out and hope it goes away. This is the wrong approach. If you have a panic attack, the best thing to do is calm yourself down. This blog post will discuss […]
Here are ten habits that can help lead to lasting motivation:
Ego depletion is a psychological condition in which our willpower becomes weaker every time we use it. This can refer to resisting temptations, desires, and impulses, as well as following societal rules. Many people don’t even realize that they are suffering from ego depletion, because it often manifests as low energy levels or feelings of fatigue. In this blog post, we will discuss what ego depletion is and how it affects our lives!
There’s no doubt that denial can be a powerful force. It can help us to avoid difficult truths or painful emotions, and it can even keep us going in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. But at the same time, denial can also be harmful, preventing us from dealing with our problems and making progress […]
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