20 Night Affirmations before you go to sleep

  1. I am worthy of love and happiness. This affirmation helps to boost self-esteem and self-worth, promoting positive thoughts and feelings.
  2. I trust in my abilities and decisions.This affirmation helps to build self-confidence and belief in oneself, leading to a more positive outlook on life.
  3. I am deserving of success and abundance. This affirmation helps to attract positive energy and opportunities, encouraging growth and achievement.
  4. I am grateful for all the blessings in my life. This affirmation helps to foster an attitude of gratitude, promoting a more positive mindset and well-being.
  5. I am surrounded by love and positivity. This affirmation helps to promote a feeling of security and comfort, leading to a more restful and peaceful sleep.
  6. I am capable of overcoming any challenges that come my way. This affirmation helps to build resilience and determination, promoting a positive outlook and a sense of empowerment.
  7. I am happy with who I am and where I am in life. This affirmation helps to promote self-acceptance and inner peace, leading to a more relaxed and restful sleep.
  8. I am enough, just as I am. This affirmation helps to boost self-esteem and self-worth, promoting positive thoughts and feelings.
  9. My thoughts and emotions are under control. This affirmation helps to promote emotional regulation and self-control, leading to a more peaceful and restful sleep.
  10. I am open to new opportunities and experiences. This affirmation helps to promote an open and positive mindset, encouraging growth and new experiences.
  11. I release any negative thoughts and emotions. This affirmation helps to promote a sense of inner peace and well-being, leading to a more relaxed and restful sleep.
  12. I am strong and resilient. This affirmation helps to build resilience and determination, promoting a positive outlook and a sense of empowerment.
  13. I am deserving of love and respect from others. This affirmation helps to promote a positive self-image and healthy relationships, leading to a more peaceful and restful sleep.
  14. I am grateful for my body and its abilities. This affirmation helps to promote body positivity and self-care, leading to a more peaceful and restful sleep.
  15. I am worthy of living a fulfilling and happy life. This affirmation helps to boost self-esteem and self-worth, promoting positive thoughts and feelings.
  16. I choose to focus on the positive aspects of my life. This affirmation helps to promote a positive mindset and well-being, leading to a more peaceful and restful sleep.
  17. I trust in the universe and its plan for me. This affirmation helps to promote a sense of inner peace and trust in the universe, leading to a more relaxed and restful sleep.
  18. I am empowered and in control of my life. This affirmation helps to promote a sense of empowerment and control, leading to a more peaceful and restful sleep.
  19. I am worthy of lenience, both from myself and others. This affirmation helps to promote self-compassion and a sense of forgiveness, leading to a more peaceful and restful sleep.
  20. I choose to focus on love and positivity. This affirmation helps to promote a positive and loving outlook, leading to a more peaceful and restful sleep.

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