Category: Challenges

  • 9 Relationship Lessons Every Couple Should Learn

    9 Relationship Lessons Every Couple Should Learn

    Marriage isn’t easy. It’s arguably one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do, and that’s saying something considering parenting is hard enough. But even if marriage is harder than it looks on the surface, it still deserves our respect. That’s why, in this blog post, we’re sharing nine rules every couple should live by.…

  • Ways to Know Your Relationship Is No Longer Working

    Ways to Know Your Relationship Is No Longer Working

    Everyone has their definition of what a perfect relationship should look like. But for most people, it involves plenty of passion, commitment, and happiness. Unfortunately, not all relationships live up to these expectations. Many couples find themselves stuck in a rut where nothing seems to be going their way. If you’re feeling like your relationship…

  • Signs That You Are Stressed at Work

    Signs That You Are Stressed at Work

    What to Do About It? If you find yourself struggling to keep up with your work, and feeling overwhelmed by stress, you’re not alone. Millions of people deal with workplace stress every day. But what are the warning signs that you may be stressed out at work? And what can you do about it? One…

  • 30 Important Life Skills To Teach Your Child

    30 Important Life Skills To Teach Your Child

    Think about the last time you saw a child trying to carry too many things at once. They usually end up dropping everything on the ground. As adults, we often don’t think about life skills in the same way. We try to learn as much as we can in school and hope that we’ll be…

  • Are you trapped in a spiritual jail?

    Are you trapped in a spiritual jail?

    Are you struggling with your mental health? Feeling like you’re trapped in a spiritual jail? You’re not alone. In this post, we’ll explore some of the common problems people face when dealing with their mental health, and how to get help. A spiritual jail is any belief system that limits your understanding of yourself, your…

  • 10 Techniques for Recharging Your Creative Energy

    10 Techniques for Recharging Your Creative Energy

    Creativity is a difficult thing to explain. It’s often described as “thinking outside the box,” but what does that mean, exactly? And why is it that some people seem to be more creative than others? Creativity is often thought of as a talent that only a select few possess, but the truth is that everyone…

  • 4 Reasons Why Sensitive People Are Ideal Leaders

    4 Reasons Why Sensitive People Are Ideal Leaders

    Leadership is a complex topic, and there are many different qualities that make a good leader. While some people might think of leaders as being charismatic or forceful, research has shown that sensitivity can actually be a major asset in leadership roles. Sensitive individuals see the world differently than others and feel emotions much more…

  • MY STORY: Addiction, Recovery, and Hope

    MY STORY: Addiction, Recovery, and Hope

    It may be difficult to stay clean. We engage in a wide range of social activities that include the use of drugs in one form or another. Even if you’re not an addict, living a drug-free lifestyle might appear to be a difficult endeavor. However, once you quit drinking or using drugs, your life will…

  • Toxic Positivity is a major threat to emotional well-being

    Toxic Positivity is a major threat to emotional well-being

    Toxic positivity creates an unsafe environment where we can’t express our authentic selves. This, in turn, leads to more isolation and depression. Instead of telling someone to “just be positive,” we should validate their experience and offer support. To help create a healthier mindset, here are ten phrases you should stop saying: 1. “Everything happens…

  • Why Having High Expectations Can be Dangerous

    Why Having High Expectations Can be Dangerous

    We often hear advice that we should never expect and never be disappointed. But what does that mean for our mental health? In this blog post, we explore the meaning of this advice and how it can be applied to our lives. We discuss the importance of not setting ourselves up for disappointment and explore…