True beauty does not dwell in outward appearances but in how we uplift others. In our era, where the media frequently imposes unattainable standards of beauty, it’s vital to honor the real woman who cherishes her distinctiveness. She may carry a few extra pounds, a whimsical nose, the occasional blemish or scar, and the echoes […]
Sometimes, we spontaneously flare up with anger for no obvious cause, feel overwhelmingly cheerful on certain occasions, surge with motivation at times, and then plunge into moments of melancholy. These fluctuations weave into our daily routines, and deciphering them—let alone articulating them—can prove daunting, especially when we attempt to convey them to someone else. Such […]
Nurturing the Power of Your Mind through Writing, Listening, Searching, Asking, and Reading When you begin to contemplate which steps to take, whom to inform, how events will unfold, and whether outcomes will be favorable or not, that is precisely when you must harness clear thinking. Clear thinking is vital for advancing and for untangling […]
Sometimes it’s not the people who change. It’s the mask that falls off.
It’s pointless to sit around waiting for your life to change. It’s your life and it is up to you to make change happen.
Don’t waste your time on things you can’t change. Walk away from toxic people and hopeless situations.
People usually change for two reasons. It’s either they have learned a lot, or they have been hurt a lot.
It’s amazing how your mood can change, how deep your heart can sink, and how much person can affect you.
Sometimes people only change because of how badly they’ve been hurt.
We all have that one person who hurt us so much that it changed us forever.
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