Category: Happiness

Benefits of self-talk

Self-talk is an effective tool which can be used to create a positive relationship with yourself. It involves talking aloud to oneself or in one’s mind about thoughts, feelings, attitudes, and beliefs. This practice helps you to become more aware of yourself and your reactions to life’s events, enabling you to gain greater control over […]

Anger Management: 20 Tips and Techniques

Anger is a normal and healthy emotion, however, it can become overwhelming and lead to destructive behavior if it isn’t managed properly. Learning effective strategies for anger management is essential in order to help prevent negative outcomes. These strategies include recognizing triggers that bring on an outburst of anger, developing relaxation techniques such as deep […]

Remove Stress with Positive Thinking

Stop Over Reacting ! Positive thinking isn’t always easy. Negative thoughts can be loud and intrusive, especially when you’re under stress. But if you’re struggling to stay positive, there are some things you can do to help silence the negative voice in your head. Try these tips for keeping your thoughts positive and managing stress. […]